Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Whew! Monday Done!

Wow...busy day! It started bright and early with a vet appointment at 7am! Jonathan thankfully took that one but I was still up early because I had a 10am interview at work. It became more complicated when Sebastian's cold got drastically worse overnight...the only opening the pediatrician had was 11:40am. Paisley needed her last vaccination and the flu shot so I made her an appointment right after Sebastian's, to top it all off...I realized this morning that I was completely out of diapers, time for a trip to Sam's Club! 

Sebastian has a bad sinus infection that the doctor thinks is turning into croup, ugh! So, we are trying to treat him before it gets too bad. Sebastian has never had an ear infection and only ever spiked a fever once before, so when he had a fever I knew he had something crappy! He was all smiles at the doctor's office though, gotta love it when they are bawling their eyes out and looking miserable at home and then running laps when your trying to explain his symptoms to the doctor!

You can still see he is glassy eyes, poor baby! When we finally got home, we all settled down on the couch to watch a movie and take a nap...

Don't you watch a movie with a snake around your neck?

Both out cold on mommy!

Poor baby has two sore thighs!

We went out again a bit later to meet with a dog trainer for Winnie.

We finished the night with our new book...Cars Search and Find.

I took some really cute videos of Paisley doing a very beginner crawl...if she wants something bad enough, she will wiggle there to get it! Unfortunately, blogger won't let me post videos from my phone so you can check them out on my Facebook.

Ta ta for now!

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