Saturday, May 26, 2012

Episode II: The Airport Adventures Begin

We had to be at the airport at a fabulous 6:00am which meant we had to be up at 4:10am in order to pack the car, drop the dogs, and carpool to the airport in time for check-in. There were 22 people in total going on the cruise with the Baker newlyweds, it made for a very crazy trip. We were slated to arrive at my parent's house by 5:15am, we had a little bit of a delay when we had a run in with a drunk driver who decided to take my parent's neighborhood entrance as a parking lot. We stumbled upon a mangled up heap of metal abandoned right in the middle of the street...apparently, he fled the scene to avoid being caught under the influence. We called the proper authorities to avoid a new accident as it was a completely black Escalade blocking the lanes.

Once the cops arrived, we were back on track...everyone was in pretty good moods for being awake at the butt crack of dawn. Even Sebastian was ok with the early wake up call, he got to stay in his dinosaur pajamas for most of the day :)

At the airport...

We couldn't stay in our PJ's all day long we had to change into some dashing attire for the flight to Fort Lauderdale!

So, if you haven't figured it out already...these posts will be laced with picture after picture of my dashingly handsome son, cause he is just too cute not to snap photos of!

And, of course, the love of my life!
The flight was not so bad, Sebastian slept through the entire thing with some strategic nursing on my part :) I love it when timing works out...several others slept the morning away as well...

Later, we met up with Aunt Kristyn and Uncle Patrick, in the airport for a quick visit before we boarded the cruise. She hadn't seen Sebastian in months, he grows so much everyday!

Found his feet!
Directly following our wonderful visit with family, we began our journey to the cruise ship to begin boarding. Never having been on a cruise before in my life, I was completely unsure of what to expect...I am not very fond of surprises so imagine my anxiety. It actually went quite smoothly, they have it down to a science...I felt like I was being herded like cattle at one point, but it was all good. At least the little one was cooperating...

Don't I look wonderful after an all nighter?!?

Up NEXT: Boarding the Ship

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