Monday, January 23, 2012


I always have to be working on a project around our house, I just feel like I'm not being productive if I'm not decorating something! While i was pregnant, the nursery was my that it is complete and ready for the little booger, I have moved on to another part of the house. Our bonus room has always stumped me, before Sebastian was here it served as a mismatched room of workout equipment and games, including the Ping Pong table. I was avoiding it as I had no idea where to start or what I really wanted to do in there. Recently, I have come up with a plan...I walked by it the other day and thought it was awful that I had not put and curtains up in there yet. Three years we have lived in our home and all I had up were blinds...boring! So, I got online and began my search for some inspiration. It has become apparent that this room will need to become our playroom/ whatever I do, it has to be fun.

After looking for only one evening...I found the inspiration I needed and now there is no stopping me.

Voila.....the new playroom curtains...They are Dr. Seuss! I've got my theme for my playroom! I found some cool, Seuss looking chairs at World Market and I am well on my way to decking it all out!

I think I'll move onto the master bedroom next :)

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