Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Jonathan and I had an early Valentine's Day last week to avoid all of the crowds. We did still go out to a quaint little Mexican Restaurant this evening with the kiddo.

It was a nice laid back meal and actual good time with Sebastian...he behaved the whole meal, no meltdowns. We actually had just come from the Gastro doctor for a follow-up visit. We were looking forward to this visit because on Monday we (Me) had reached our breaking point with the little man. It was all that I could do not to just join in the crying, he was screaming at the top of his lungs from sun up to sun down, he fussed through his meals, scream through diaper changes and took four fifteen minute naps all day long. I barely had a chance to breath all day long. He was miserable! This describes most of our days together, we have few what we call "happy days." We have been getting more "happy days" since he started taking his Zantac but still far from normal. Also, since he has started taking Zantac, we noticed a small rash on his legs that has spread uncontrollably. It now covers about 70% of his little body.
So, as you can see we were happily awaiting this follow-up appointment. I am not very fond of our gastro doctor either, I love our pediatrician, who we see tomorrow morning for his 4 month visit, but the gastro doctor is not all that helpful. I am really quite tired of hearing, "well I think you have one of the fussiest babies I've ever met, but your doing a wonderful job, you have wonderful patience!" Thank you fine doctor for that observation but can you please help me figure out why I have such a fissy baby seeing as he is gaining the perfect amount of weight each visit and eats like a growing boy. He did not offer too much help this visit either. He immediately took the poor little guy off of the Zantac as he thinks he is the fabulous 1% of the population who is allergic to it. We are going to see if this rash goes away now that we discontinued the Zantac. He put him instead on Prevacid, a stronger antacid. It has a wonderful $45.00 co-pay after insurance :) We have our fingers crossed that it will work a little better then the last medicine.

Well, I will give another update after our morning appointment. I am going to go enjoy some Valentine's Day brownies that my fabulous husband and adorable little guy are making :) They smell sooooo good!


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