Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Birthday to the Love of my Life!

The older we get the harder it is becoming to find unique and fabulous ways to celebrate the passing year! This year I sucked pretty bad at doing anything grand for Jonathan's 26th birthday celebration, but we had a good time anyway!
Unfortunately, his actual birthday fell on Thursday, a day that had been pre-plagued by tasks at work. I had a meeting I had to attend for work that was a mere 3 1/2 hour drive away....followed by a Friday, all day event in the same town! So, we packed up our things and since Jonathan is out of class now, we headed up north to attend my meeting, stay the night in a hotel and then head up to the event on Friday.

It was a busy few days...we also had a surprise birthday party to attend on Saturday for one of my co-workers. I did manage to get my co-worker to babysit Sebastian for about an hour and half on Thursday so Jonathan and I could go out to dinner for his birthday. The only restaurant in this rural town was Cracker Barrel, I'm not a huge fan but we had fun anyway. I got a text message about an hour into our outing that read "The screaming has begun!" which was our cue to politely ask for the check and make our way back to the hotel. We were met by a VERY unhappy little man...he was at the 'I can't breathe studdering cry', I felt horrible for the poor hired help but she swore he wasn't that bad! We took him back to our room where he proceeded to stay awake and alert until 10:30pm. I tried nursing him unconscious but was merely rewarded with a renewed child...feet up to his ears and smile spreading across his face.

Friday, we spent the entire day working the event for my company and then headed home late. We made it back to the house around 7:00pm. I asked Jonathan if he wanted to open his gifts from Sebastian and I then or wait until Saturday when we would celebrate with my family...he chose them, of course! He loved the Bocce Ball set he got from Sebastian....on a side note...I kicked his butt in it later that night :) He also loved the professional kite from me, he has been asking for one for quite some time...he also got a few movies and some accessories.

Sebastian came down with a cold Friday night and didn't sleep at all, he was all stuffed up and miserable, poor guy! We headed to Mamie and Pops' house on Saturday to have a chillaxed afternoon.

Despite not feeling well, Sebastian wanted to go swimming with Pops!

The handsome Birthday Boy!

After playing in the pool for a bit, we headed inside to open gifts....Kamerin's gift won most creative, lol...

After presents, we had cake...Mamie went for the comical route while Kelly made a special Pecan Pie for Jonathan!

The Ice Cream Cake

Homemade Pecan Pie

Sebastian loved the ice cream cake!
So, it wasn't the perfect birthday celebration but given the was fun! Unfortunately, Sebastian is having a pretty miserable day, so I'll just make my exit now...ta ta for now!

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