Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter and My Little Playmate

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend...we really enjoyed the time off work and classes! We ventured out to Squirrel Lake Park on Friday morning for a 3 mile walk along a paved path, so wonderful. The weather was beautiful, slighlty breezy and in the 70s...perfect! Sebastian was alseep when we arrived and slept through most of the walk in his stroller. We finished the day with everyone over at our house for a cookout in the backyard...no pictures, sorry I was busy cooking :)

Saturday, we spent most of the day outdoors as well. We were enjoying all the green foilage and our lawn (which won't be green once the rain starts to get more and more sparce). We planted a few flowers, went on another walk, ENJOYED the fabulous weather!

I love flowers!!! I love that my little guy loves to be outside, we will be able to garden together when he gets older.

Sunday morning, this is what my child's hair looked like...

What a job taming that turned out to be! BUT, its ok, he was cutified!!!

Look at my handsome boys in their polo shirts...I had a matching polo for Jonathan, but he decided to wear it earlier in the week and so he messed up all my plans...men, what can you do.

Hanging with Uncle Sam before the Easter Egg Hunt. He got a little bit of sun over the holiday weekend, his cheeks are bit rosey-ier and his eyebrows have disappeared just like Mommy's!
It was a wonderful Easter weekend!!!

On another note, my little handsome man is becoming quite the playmate...this is the happiest he has ever been and he just wants to PLAY!!! All that he wants is to have me sitting by his side, to catch him in case he falls, while he figures out how every little toy works!

He is very big in playing on the floor with our doggie friend and fake steering wheel.

He became a little boy overnight!

I am certain that this child produces more drool than I produce breastmilk.

He just thinks it is hilarious! I feel like I lost all of my college education since having a baby...I am singing along with Wonderpets and Blues Clues, I am talking like a baby and playing on the floor with blocks and teething toys :) Aunt Kelly says its higher education, I guess I believe her...everytime he smiles, it makes it all worth it.

We had a harsh realization tonight of Sebastian's fondness of my playtime with him...Jonathan took over seeing as I took the 12am through 8pm shift today and wanted a little time to get my BLOGGING fix taken care of. Sebastian immediately went from all smiles and laughs and good mood to nothing can soothe me attitute. If I was in eye sight he was not having it. Jonathan sought refuge behind the couch with Sebastian's music bouncer. Jonathan was so upset but I assured him that it was only because he was with me ALL day and I am always ok with plopping on the floor and whipping out the babytalk, it takes Jonathan a little longer to get into the playfull baby mood.

Jonathan reading a book to Sebastian in the playroom...He apparently likes chewing on the box more than the blocks!

Finally, this post seems to have no end :)

My garden has its sprouts! Sebastian and I planted tomatos, lettuces, peppers, green beans, peas, brussel sprouts and an herb garden with basil, parsley, rosemary, and cilantro. The beans and peas are the only ones we started from seeds and they have finally sprouted!

Aren't they such adorable little sprouts!?! I have two kinds of tomato plants...

Beefy tomatos and grape tomatos, here are the grape tomatos, brussel sprouts and romaine lettuce in the front box and the peas and beans in the back box.

My crispy lettuce gets a box of its very own...

So do the peppers and the herbs...

Well that's it for this update...little man has been a tad bit grumpy this evening (as I hinted at a little bit earlier). What you don't know is that this post was started about 3 hours ago and had to be put on hold for an intervention to a VERY bad crying fit that could only be ended with a rocking chair and nursing. I have spent the last hour with a sleeping child latched on but too exhausted to move him for fear of waking the beast :)

Goodnight all my blogger and facebook friends who have taken the time to read this extra long post :)

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