Monday, July 14, 2014

Nearly There...

I don't know where the time has gone with this third pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my first, it literally felt like I was pregnant for years...the weeks inched by. My second was a bit quicker, I found out we were expecting later than my first and I was excited about another baby but busy with Sebastian, so time passed quicker. This time....I'm busy with two toddlers and excited for this little guy but also want to cherish the little time I have left spoiling my other two.

We are enjoying our summer! It is starting to get too hot for this mama but we are getting creative and trying to find indoor activities.

Uncle Isaac and his girlfriend, Alyssa visited this past weekend. We took advantage of the good weather and spent a day in the pool followed by a day at the lake. We chilled at our humble abode for the remainder of their visit. It's so great to spend time with them...Sebastian really enjoyed the extra attention. 

Paisley is still very much a mama's girl and extremely shy around everyone. I know she will have a harder time adjusting to the new addition than Sebastian. I am going to make sure they each still get adequate mommy time but it will also give Jonathan a chance to grow closer to her. She has started talking...she says "bye," "uh oh," "be be" etc. very cute!

Sebastian has started to realize something is up and he is just too smart for his own good. I went to the doctor today (we are now at bi-weekly visits) and he told everyone "mom doe BB doc-ter". He also likes to listen to the "BB" through mommy's tummy. 

His vocabulary is hilarious and vast...he spent quite a while listening to the world and now he has a way of communicating all his own. Mama is the best at interpreting, of course...but he's pretty good at repeating or adjusting until someone gets it. 

One of my favorite phrases of his is "yeah, sure." "Why" and "what" are very common right now...the why has started to aggravate but it's all part of the process! 

So, not too much to report here, just enjoying every minute of life and preparing for the next chapter...which is fast approaching!

Pictures courtesy of the talented Isaac from IQ Photography. 

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